Specialization: Personal History

Personal history, family of origin issues, childhood -- from prenatal through adolescent and adult experience

I work with adult clients to resolve and transform personal history issues which continue to cause pain or hold them back. Many clients come to me with the belief that, because their issues have been with them for a long time, it will take a long time to resolve them. But with NLP such change is both does not take years.

Just as we experience a positive sense of relief when any pain goes away, the relief we experience when past events no longer control us or cause us pain is profoundly relaxing. One client described the relief as if a thousand tons had been lifted from her back.

The range of personal history work I do with clients covers a wide area. We address and resolve recent issues, issues from childhood, issues that were formed before birth, and we can transform entire histories of ongoing neglect or abuse.

You do not need to stay stuck with a personal history which limits you or causes you repeated pain or problems -- no matter what kind of personal history you have.

Using NLP, we can transform our past from a pain causing weight to a dynamic, positive resource that will help us every day for the rest of our lives. My clients report, again and again, that NLP's ability to address the full range of their past experiences, and transform them powerfully and permanently, is nothing short of a miracle.

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